Sermons from January 2025

Sermons from January 2025

Hate, love, live

One of the things in our world today when it comes to followers of Christ we have come to a point to think that we are to just allow all things to happen. That we’re not to speak against things that are against the word and character of God. The question is what are we to truly do when it comes to facing the evil that surrounds us every day? Come along with us as we continue through Psalm 119.…

the big ten, the whole truth

God’s very nature is truth! And by us violating that truth when we lie and gossip not only about God but others as well, we are violating the very character of God because God despises lies and deception. The question is how do we deal with this? Come along with us as we dig through the Whole Truth. Main text: John 8:39-45 (ESV) Scriptures: Exodus 20:16 (ESV), Deuteronomy 19:15-20 (ESV), Proverbs 12:17 (ESV), Psalm 34:13 (ESV), Proverbs 15:4 (ESV), John…

Psalm 119: no quick, answer but i’ll try

One of the hardest things to do is trust someone and take them at their word! Especially when it comes to them wanting you to trust them to take care of you in the middle of a dark time in your life. David went through some very hard and difficult times but still his trust for God didn’t waiver. The question is how can we do this? Come along with us as we dig into Psalm 119 and continue our…

The Big ten: Its not yours

If you were walking down the street and saw money on the street what would you do with it? Would you leave it, pick it up, or would you turn it in? This is a question that should really make you think. Come along with us as we continue through the ten commandments and look at it’s not yours Main text: Romans 13:8-10 (NLT) Scriptures: Exodus 20:15 (ESV),Leviticus 19:11 (ESV),Proverbs 11:1 (NLT),Amos 8:5 (NLT),Matthew 7:12 (ESV),Leviticus 6:2-4 (NLT), ASL Sign…

Don’t even think about it

One of the commands that many struggle with in the society that we live into today is the command that not only affects the person who’s doing it, but will actually have long lasting ramifications on all of their relationships. The command that God said you shall not commit adultery. The question is do you truly understand what Adultery is? Come along with us today to see how Adultery is more than just the physical act but it goes much…

distressed, but not destroyed

Have you ever had those moments in life where it just feels like everything is caving in, where it just seems like life is out of control? The question is what do we do to handle these situations! Come along with us as we touch on how we can deal with this throughout God’s word! Main text: Psalm 119:89-96 (ESV) Scriptures: Isaiah 40:8 (ESV), Matthew24:35 (ESV), Psalm 36:5 (NLT) Psalm 89:2 (NLT) 2 Timothy 2:11-13(ESV)

Can’t You See

One of the hardest things in life is to not have a clear defined path in front of you, to want to go somewhere but not know how to get there! To not know how you’re going to get somewhere can bring with it a lot of things not the least being anxiety of the unknown. The question is what does it truly mean to have a clear vision? How can I truly have a clear vision to move forward?…

i need your word

Have you ever had those moments where you’ve prayed, you fasted, you’ve done everything only to struggle, while those who are living contrary to the word of God seem to succeed? What do you do in those moments? Come along with us as we continue through Psalm 119 and look at how we handle those points of discouragement. Main text: Psalm 119:81-88 (ESV) Scriptures: Habakkuk 1:2-4 (ESV), Isaiah 64:11-12 (ESV), Psalm 62:1-2 (NLT) ASL Sign language for hearing impaired