"love" Tagged Sermons

"love" Tagged Sermons

show me the way

Our desire as believers should always be to desire to grow deeper in God seeking to be taught, and lead by God and his word! Main text: Psalm 119:33-37 (ESV), Psalm 119:38-40 (ESV) Scriptures: 1 Kings 3:9 (NLT), 1 Corinthians 2:14 (NLT), Proverbs 4:27 (NLT), Psalm 119:38-40 (NLT)

psalm 119: Part 4: Despair and Assurance

Every one of us knows what it’s like to feel like you’re on top of the world, feeling like everything’s just going right. We know these feelings because of times of great emotional highs. What do we do in those periods when everything’s not going right? Where is everything falling apart and you don’t know what to do or don’t even have anything left? David had this, David came to a point where He felt like He was empty. We…

see clearly, Hunger and Delight

God’s word brings clarity and delight, but only when we not only hunger for it it but that we meditate and digest. It will be effective. It’s these things and more as we continue through Psalm 119. Sign language for hearing impaired Main text: Psalm 119:17-24 (ESV) Scriptures: Matthew 4:4 (ESV). 1John 2:5-6 (ESV), Hebrews 4:12 (ESV)

Missions Convention – Bryan and christi white francafone churches

Bryan is a missionary raising funds to minister to the francophone (french speaking) Churches. Bryan is an amazing man of God and brother in Christ. He and his wife Christi are doing amazing work with the French-speaking churches. Email Address: bryankw78@gmail.com Sign language for hearing impaired

missions convention: Chuck and Wilma Lormis mission cultivators

You’ve heard it said that a missions-minded church is a growing church. The question is, why are missions so important? We’re going to tackle this question today. Join us as we welcome Chuck and Wilma and look at why missions? Chuck and Wilma are US missionaries who serve as mission cultivators. That means their mission is to help churches drive and focus on the importance of missions in the Church. Proverbs 14:12,Luke 9:24,John 14:6,John 3:16-18,Psalm 9:17,Revelation 21:8,Revelation 20:15,Acts 4:12,Psalm 9:7,Hebrews…

Psalm 119: How to keep pure

Over and over again throughout God’s word we’re told that we’re to be holy, sanctified, set apart, and pure. The question that so many of us ask is how can we keep our ways pure with so much impurity around us? It’s these things and more as we continue through Psalm 119. Sign language for hearing impaired Main text: Psalm 119:9-16 (ESV) Scriptures: Proverbs 22:15 (ESV), John 15:3 (ESV), John 17:17 (ESV)

Peter: Rough and Redeemed

There are so many in the world that feel like God can’t use them because of their past. They feel like they have nothing to offer, or that they’ve messed up so bad that there’s no way back. Feeling like their past disqualifies them. Tonight we’re going to look at a man that felt the same way. Peter is possibly one of the greatest accounts of redemption in scripture. Come along with us as we dig into the character study…

The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Joy

Throughout God’s word, we are promised that we can have Joy. But what does that look like? What did it look like that first Christmas when the Shepherds were afraid but then that fear was turned to Joy? What does all of this mean? What is stopping you from walking in the Joy of the Lord? Come along with us as we dig into the Dilemma of Joy.

The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Belief

All of us have struggled with belief in our lives, especially when it comes to God’s plan. Sometimes God’s plan doesn’t make any sense to us. But you see the thing is God hasn’t called us to always understand His plan, but what He has called us to is to trust and believe that His plan is always perfect and that it will play out in His perfect timing.

The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Yes

Yes is one of the easiest words to say but one of the hardest words to live out. It’s hard because there’s so much that’s required of that little word. Because when we say yes we become committed to what we’ve said yes to. Imagine how difficult it was for Mary at 13 years old to say yes to become the Mother of the Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord! Come along with us as we look at the dilemma of…