The Big Ten

The Big Ten

God is good all the time

God’s word is such an amazing treasure that He’s given us. The question is as we deal with struggles and issues in life can we truly in the middle of the issues say that it’s good that we go through them? Can we honestly say that God is good all the time or is something that we just say? It’s these questions and more that we’re going to look at as we look at God is good all the time.…


We hear the command that we are to honor our Father and Mother. We’ve heard and know this, but what does it mean? Is truly just listening to Dad and Mom, or is there more to this commandment? Come along as we dig into the Big Ten Series and continue with the 5th commandment. Main text: Exodus 20:12 (ESV) Scriptures: Judges 2:10-15 (ESV), Ephesians 6:1-4 (ESV) ASL Sign language for hearing impaired


God’s word tells us that we’re to remember the Sabbath that we’re to keep it holy. The question is what does that mean? How can we keep the Sabbath holy, is it even important for us to be concerned with the Sabbath still today? It’s these questions and more that we’re digging into. Come along with us as we look at how to Relax Main text: Exodus 20:8-11 (ESV) Scriptures: Genesis 2:1-3 (ESV), Exodus 16:29 (ESV), Deuteronomy 5:12-13 (NLT), Matthew…

Don’t just say it, live it out!

What does it truly mean to use the LORD’s name in vain? For so many it’s thought to just be using His name as a curse word, and while that is true it is so much more than that. We can’t just say we’re a Christian and then live in a manner that’s contrary to who God is. Come along with us as we continue to look at the ten commandments. Main text: Exodus 20:7 (ESV) Scriptures: Leviticus 19:12 (ESV),…

No Other but the one!

here is nothing in this world that is more important than following God! The Lord said that we’re not to have any carved images or any likeness of anything in Heaven above, earth below or beneath the water. The question is what does that all look today? Is it still the standard we’re to live by? All these questions and more is what we’re going look at as we continue through our series on the Big Ten. Main text: Exodus…

the big ten: the one and only

How often do you think about the things of God? What about the commands that God has laid out for us? The Ten Commandments of God aren’t something that He gave to hinder us or make a big list that is going to beat us into the dirt. So why did He give them to us? This is a question that so many ask but never seek out why. Come along with us as we begin a series over the…