

How Do we breakthrough

There are times in life where we just feel stuck, how it just feels like everything is overtaking us. We try everything we can, but it just feels like breakthrough is never coming. So how do we breakthrough? Come along with us as we dig into How do we break through. Matthew 4:1-2 (ESV), Luke 5:16 (ESV), Luke 6:12-13 (ESV)

Breakthrough: Session 2 The Gospel Has The Power To…..

We hear the statement that there’s power in the Gospel, or the Gospel power. Statements that are so very true but what do they mean? What is this power that the Gospel has? How can I access this power. What does this have to do with breakthrough? It’s these questions and more that we’re going to be looking at today as we go into the word of God and look at the “The Gospel Has the Power To….” Isaiah 61:1…

Breakthrough: God’s Power being Released in Impossible Situations

Too often in our lives, there are times that we feel stuck. Like no matter what we do we don’t gain any ground. The question is what do we do in those moments? Is there a way to have breakthrough? Is there a Biblical pattern to show us how to have breakthrough? What’s the ultimate breakthrough? It’s these questions and more that we’re going to be digging into in our new series on breakthrough. Colossians 3:1-4 (ESV)Colossians 3:5 -11 (ESV)Philippians…