Sermons (Page 4)

Sermons (Page 4)

The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Belief

All of us have struggled with belief in our lives, especially when it comes to God’s plan. Sometimes God’s plan doesn’t make any sense to us. But you see the thing is God hasn’t called us to always understand His plan, but what He has called us to is to trust and believe that His plan is always perfect and that it will play out in His perfect timing.

The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Yes

Yes is one of the easiest words to say but one of the hardest words to live out. It’s hard because there’s so much that’s required of that little word. Because when we say yes we become committed to what we’ve said yes to. Imagine how difficult it was for Mary at 13 years old to say yes to become the Mother of the Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord! Come along with us as we look at the dilemma of…

The Christmas Dilemma: The Dilemma of Doubt

Every one of us has struggled with doubt. Doubt that we made the right decision, doubting that I heard God correctly. Even struggling with the fact that God made the right choice in choosing me. What about doubting that things were supposed to play out the way they did. I mean what if God made a mistake? No one understands doubt like Jesus’ stepdad Joseph. Come along with us as we look at the dilemma of doubt.

Galatians Session 2 Walking in the Spirit

How we walk can tell a lot about a person. How someone walks can tell you if they’re healthy or sick, it can tell you if they’re injured or strong, you can even tell how heavy someone is by how they walk. There are so many things that we can tell by how we walk physically, Imagine what we can tell by watching us walk with God. Come along with us as we dig into walking in the spirit.

Struggling with Change

There’s not many of us that like to change. We struggle with it we even go as far as to fight change. But we can be encouraged to know that the disciples those who walked with Jesus even struggled with change in life. Come along with us as we look at struggling with change.

Our Church I WILL Pt. 2 We Need God First!

Everyone should be able to see that when God is first in our lives everything changes. Our attitude towards each other, towards our family, in our church, how we serve, live, show up, and give. When Christ Jesus is Lord and Savior of our lives, we will not only become like him but we will change the world!